Saturday, November 27, 2010

Marching for the rights of children

     More than 50 children and adults from the Hope and Peace community center participated in the Mexican Revolution parade here in Nogales on November 20.  Ten thousand people marched through the streets according to the El Diario de Sonora newspaper.  The only group that presented a social message in the parade was the community center.
     The children carried signs that read, “I have the right to nutrition,” “I have the right to decent housing,” “I have the right to education,” and “I have the right to play.”  Those rights are not fulfilled for many of the children that live in the impoverished “colonias” of Nogales.  The colonias are scattered throughout the hills of the city, and were formed when people took over vacant land and built houses out of whatever material was available to them.
     “We revolutionize with healthy nutrition, camps for children, and education for adults” read a large banner carried by one of the adults.  The community center is in the Bella Vista colonia and provides lunch for children from the most impoverished families, runs winter and summer children’s camps, and offers classes for adults to complete their high school education. 
     When the children marched passed the reviewing stand, they raised their signs and the MC read out their messages for the mayor, army commander, and the other spectators gathered there.
     Photos of girl with “I have the right to nutrition” sign and boy with “I have the right to decent housing” sign:


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